Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 25 February 2011

Bringing your gloves lets you swim for longer

Yes indeed, the fantastic three arrived on Saltdean beach ready to do battle with a sea shrouded in a very heavy fog. Clearly (or not so clearly), venturing out too far was not going to be viable. And this was the way it turned out for me, as I quickly discovered I had forgotten my swimming gloves, so was unable to do much more than take a quick dip.  Oh dear! Instead it was left to Joan and Sara to do the honours, and they acquitted themselves admirably.

I am not sure what Sara got up to, she disappeared into the fog and Joan too seemed to venture slightly out of sight at times. So, I acted as coast guard keeping a watchful eye from the shoreline. A fly-by by eight cormorants in formation signalled all was well (unless I imagined that bit - it was a tad cold).

It was jam tarts for the hardy swimmers kindly supplied by Sara. All home-made. There then followed a rather interesting discussion about, er ... various things, that I have been told not to repeat here, as doing so would result in a "chinese burn" which, Sara informs me, is an art in which she is expert.


Swimmers: Joan, Sara and Paul C (watcher)
Time In: 7:07
Time Out: 7:25
Air Temp: 7C
Sea Temp: 7C

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