Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 18 February 2011

Looking forward to Spring swims

This morning was misty and chilly. A wispy watery haze blurred a giant sun struggling to reveal itself.  However a long tide on it's way  appeared to apologise for Wednesday's FURY, inviting us in as it made it's way up the shingle. Sara, Paul and Joan slowly negotiated their way through piles of submerged seaweed and into deeper water.  Birds, Birds, Birds! There were fulmars, common black headed, herring and blackbacked gulls, soaring overhead and numerous cormorants gracefully toing and froing in formation and swathes of beautiful red beaked, black and white oyster catchers skimming the surface infront, behind and overhead as they searched for new feeding gounds as the incoming tide washed over the rocks. Joan spotted 2 long necked grey birds in the distance (which Sara thought might be gannets or Brent geese of which large flocks had recently been spotted) dived as Sara pounded her way towards them unknowingly. After we had had our 'fill of the sea' Sara had her roll in the briny 'sans' wet suit and water temp. taken with a new piece of vital equipment - a thermometer with an attached string to ensure no more thermometer loss! An exhilarating and enjoyable morning's swim. See you next Wednesday. Ollie, us hardy ones swim in well below 1,2,3,4,.......... and that's not air temperature!

Air temp: 3 C
Sea water temp: 6.5 C
wind speed: 8 mph. E

Sara Paul Joan
In: 0720
Out: 0740

Sara completes her Channel swim,
Paul gets his toe stuck under a rock

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